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Slavoj Zizek - PHILOSOPHY: Spinoza, Kant, Hegel... and ... section I: Introduction - Spinoza section II: Kant - Hegel; BADIOU 1: EVENT AND ACT What, already in a first approach, Alain Badiou shares with Gilles Deleuze ... Post-politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Post-politics refers to the critique of the emergence, in the post- Cold War period, of a politics of consensus on a global scale: the dissolution of the Eastern ... Jacques Lacan - Mythos & Logos Jacques Lacan "Desire is the central point or crux of the entire economy we deal with in analysis. If we fail to take it into account, we are necessarily led to adopt ... Slavoj iek Wikipedia Slavoj iek [ik] (* 21. Mrz 1949 in Ljubljana , SFRJ) ist ein aus Slowenien stammender Philosoph , Kulturkritiker und Theoretiker der lacanianischen ... New Statesman Slavoj iek: The politics of Batman Fear city: the director Christopher Nolan's latest Batman film consciously explores modern anxieties about "economic fairness". Image: Warner Brothers Extended ... Slavoj iek: Books - It's Piracy, Stupid! Author. 1989, The Sublime Object of Ideology 1991, For They Know Not What They Do 1992, Enjoy Your Symptom! 1992, Looking Awry 1993, Tarrying with the Negative Repeating Lenin by Slavoj Zizek - Marxists Internet Archive The first public reaction to the idea of reactualizing Lenin is, of course, an outburst of sarcastic laughter: Marx is OK, even on Wall Street, there are people who ... Slavoj Zizek - Professor of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis ... Slavoj Zizek, philosopher and author, speaking about Buddhism, ethics and possible limitations, Gangnam style, Justin Bieber, and Lacan at the University of Vermont ... Slavoj Zizek - The Superego and the Act The Superego and the Act: A lecture by Slavoj Zizek August 1999. Zizek: I want to begin with Coca-cola. Its no surprise that Coca-cola was first introduced as a ... Slavoj Zizek - How to Read Lacan - Troubles with the Real ... How to Read Lacan .....5. Troubles with the Real: Lacan as a Viewer of Alien.....Slavoj Zizek